Applications & Related Techniques

This page gives an overview of techniques related to data spaces. So far, we have resources related to:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    Technology that enables computers and machines to simulate human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities [source].
  • Digital Product Passports (DPP)
    A tool to enable sharing of key product related information that are essential for products’ sustainability and circularity [source].
  • Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET)
    Digital solutions that allow information to be collected, processed, analysed, and shared while protecting data confidentiality and privacy [source].
  • Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI)
    A technology that gives the user control over which personal and other data is shared [source].

This document from the second edition of the Cirpass Project describes User Stories for the DPP system. These User Stories are intended to bridge the gap between the intentions of the European regulators, as expressed in the ESPR, and the DPP system development and standardisation activities. The purpose of the User Stories in this document is to elaborate, reason on and illustrate how the DPP system would function, enabling the specification of its technical requirements and reference architecture.

Data Spaces Support Centre (DSSC) & Strategic Stakeholder Forum (SSF)

This whitepaper explores the role of common European data spaces in fostering and accelerating the growth of trustworthy GenAI. This work was produced within the framework of the DSSC and its Network of Stakeholders (NoF), particularly the SSF, but also with several data spaces initiatives that are part of the Community of Practice (CoP) and several AI initiatives that are developing key infrastructures in Europe.

Platform CB’23
Platform CB’23
European Commission

This is a link to the EUR-LEX version of the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation, which introduces and provides many of the basic rules for Digital Product Passports in the EU.

Ax Foundation

This is a working proof-of-concept developed by the ProPare project that shows how a Digital Product Passport system might work in practice, including functioning Android and iOS applications, within a narrow scope. A technical solution guide and a recording of a live presentation of the prototype is also available.


This document, authored by GS1, provides a preliminary overview of a potential architecture and set of principles for Digital Product Passports, based on the GS1 standards suite.


This document, from the DaCapo project, discusses in detail the circular economy transition and identifies opportunities for manufacturing innovations. These are particularly expected to ameliorate the growing frustrations faced by businesses experiencing stubborn barriers in implementing circular economy strategies. It identifies multiple existing trends, and introduces different archetypes of servitisation business models.


This document is an addendum to the Battery Passport Content Guidance v. 1.1, and created by the Battery Pass Consortium in collaboration with Global Battery Alliance ID working group. It synthesises the data attribute requirements and definitions, and can serve as a semantic basis for implementing the battery passport.


This document from the Battery Pass project summarises the content related requirements for the Battery Passport (i.e., a Digital Product Passport for batteries) in the EU, drawing mainly on the EU Battery Regulation. It provides a foundation for the technical approaches for the Battery Passport, a formal reference model for data collection, and a Technical Standard Stack to cover relevant technical specifications within the scope of the project.

The full report is also available.


This document from the Battery Pass project provides a detailed overview of the content related requirements for the Battery Passport (i.e., a Digital Product Passport for batteries) in the EU, drawing mainly on the EU Battery Regulation. It provides a foundation for the technical approaches for the Battery Passport, a formal reference model for data collection, and a Technical Standard Stack to cover relevant technical specifications within the scope of the project.

An executive summary is also available.


This github repository from the Battery Pass project provides a detailed data model for the exchange of battery-related information across the value chain, based on the Battery Pass Content Guidance from the same project and taking into account the requirements of Digital Product Passports.

The Content Guidance is also available separately.


This document from the Battery Pass consortium provides actors in the battery value chain with a summarised picture of the technical requirements of the Battery Passport (i.e., a Digital Product Passport for batteries). It specifies the operative elements of the Passport as mandated by law, and towards its implementation in business realities.

The full report is also available.


This document from the Battery Pass consortium provides actors in the battery value chain with a detailed picture of the technical requirements of the Battery Passport (i.e., a Digital Product Passport for batteries). It specifies the operative elements of the Passport as mandated by law, and towards its implementation in business realities.

The executive summary is also available.


This document presents the full findings of the Battery Pass consortium’s ‘Value Assessment’, and explores the setup and economic, environmental and social benefits of the Battery Passport (a Digital Product Passport for batteries) in the EU. It highlights the benefits for business and consumers, while also addressing implementation challenges, regulatory uncertainties, and practical steps for business and policymakers to maximise the impact of DPPs.

An executive summary is also available.



This document summarises the findings of the Battery Pass consortium’s ‘Value Assessment’, and explores the setup of the Battery Passport (a Digital Product Passport for batteries) in the EU. It highlights the benefits for business and consumers, while also addressing implementation challenges, regulatory uncertainties, and practical steps for business and policymakers to maximise the impact of DPPs.

The full report is also available.


The report provides a detailed overview of standards for Digital Product Passports (DPPs), focusing on data carriers, unique identifiers and their verification, and link between physical product and digital representation, access right management, interoperability, data storage, and data authentication and integrity. 


This document from the first edition of the Cirpass project defines an initial set of information requirements for DPPs for batteries, electronics and textiles sectors. It identifies these requirements by drawing on both, information that is mandatory to disclose by law and information that was used in DPP initiatives existing at the time.


This document from the first edition of the Cirpass project discusses the challenges DPPs are likely to face, specifically regarding enabling the identification of the product to which each DPP relates. It discusses the problems identification schemes must overcome to meet this requirement, and analyses several identification schemes to evaluate their fitness for this purpose.


This report from the first edition of the Cirpass project presents the costs, benefits and impact the implementation of DPP systems may impose specifically of Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises, and discusses the role of Digital Product Passport Service Providers in assisting with the same.


This report provides a cross-sector as well as sector-specific system roadmaps for the development and deployment of functioning Digital Product Passport (DPP) systems that effectively supports the circular economy in the EU, specifically in relation to the batteries, electronics, and textiles sectors, and in the 2024-2027 period.


This document is an output from the first edition of the Cirpass project, and describes two parallel, yet interoperable architectures for the provision of Digital
Product Passports, based on DIDs and HTTP URIs. An updated DPP Reference Architecture from the second edition of the Cirpass project is forthcoming.


This document from the first Cirpass project is a result of a qualitative analysis with 40 stakeholders over six use cases linked to specific circular economy actions in the Battery, Electronics and Textile sectors. This report highlights, inter alia, the ability of DPPs to reduce information asymmetry and foster trust in second-hand markets, and to increase the recovery rate of valuable materials.


This study from the first edition of the Cirpass project identifies 10 drivers, 28 barriers, 32 opportunities, 30 challenges and 67 actionable recommendations for the successful implementation and delivery of Digital Product Passports, tailored to specific audiences such as policymakers and IT providers.


The document presents a high-level overview of the Digital Product Passport (DPP) system and its technological and international context, emphasizing the importance for semantic interoperability for its functioning. It also provides a non-exhaustive list of potentially useful data models, ontologies and illustrative videos.


This document from the Cirpass project outlines the development of a Digital Product Passport system to support sustainability and the circular economy. It collects and analyses the results from other CIRPASS reports to define a roadmap for the DPP system in the short term and midterm future, specifically focusing on identification schemes, data carriers, DPP system components, dataspace integration, prototyping and deployment.


A conversation with Sjoerd Rongen, Digital Product Passports Lead at TNO and associated with the CoE-DSC, about the necessity, future implementation, and potential benefits of DPPs. A video recording of the associated presentation and slides are also available.

Alex Preukschat and Drummond Reed
In Self-Sovereign Identity: Decentralized digital identity and verifiable credentials, you’ll learn how SSI empowers us to receive digitally-signed credentials, store them in private wallets, and securely prove our online identities. It combines a clear, jargon-free introduction to this blockchain-inspired paradigm shift with interesting essays written by its leading practitioners. Whether for property transfer, ebanking, frictionless travel, or personalized services, the SSI model for digital trust will reshape our collective future.

These slides explore the concept of Self-Sovereign Identity and its implications for individuals and organisations, along with insights into Europe’s plans regarding SSI.

K. Berger et al. (2023)

This document presents a concept for confidentiality-preserving data exchange to enhance sustainable product management using digital product passports (DPPs) in the context of electric vehicle batteries (EVBs). It explores data science and machine learning approaches to motivate stakeholders to share sensitive data, thereby supporting sustainable management decisions and facilitating a circular economy.

T. Adisorn, L. Tholen, T. Götz (2021)

This document discusses the concept of a Digital Product Passport (DPP) as a policy tool to enhance the circular economy by providing detailed product information throughout its lifecycle. The authors analyze current product information regimes, propose design options for the DPP, and emphasize the need for further research to address implementation challenges. The study highlights the potential benefits of the DPP for various stakeholders, including manufacturers, repair shops, and waste management companies, and calls for an integrated approach to leverage existing information systems and regulatory frameworks.

European Data Protection Supervisor

The purpose of this page is to provide an overview of Federated Learning as a method for developing machine-learning models.

S. Rossello, R. Díaz Morales, L. Muñoz-González (2021)

This article investigates some of the data protection implications of an emerging privacy preserving machine learning technique, i.e. federated machine learning. First, it shortly describes how this technique works and focuses on some of the main security threats it faces. Second, it presents some of the ways in which this technique can facilitate compliance with certain principles of the General Data Protection Regulation as well as some of the challenges it may pose under the latter.


The paper discusses the potential value of combining data from various sources for analysis in sectors like healthcare, public administration, and finance, despite challenges related to data sharing due to privacy legislation. It highlights Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) as a solution, enabling robust analysis of combined data while maintaining privacy. The report proposes integrating PETs into Data Spaces, leveraging research concepts to demonstrate how collaboration among parties can facilitate effective PET use beyond technological considerations, thus shaping future R&D agendas.


Data Spaces and Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) have a common goal: making insights from data accessible in a confidential manner. But despite this overlap, the development of data spaces and PETs are driven by two different communities. According to Freek Bomhof and Harrie Bastiaansen, both consultants at TNO and affiliated with the CoE-DSC, this must change. Both Freek and Harrie were involved in the development of a joint Big Data Value Association (BDVA) and CoE-DSC whitepaper ‘Leveraging the benefits of combining data spaces and privacy enhancing technologies’. We spoke with them about why applying PETs within data spaces, confidentially exchanging insights from (privacy sensitive) data becomes more scalable.


Dit document left uit wat de implicaties en voordelen van Digitale Product Paspoorten (DPPs) zijn voor MKBs.


In dit whitepaper heeft het IP&T-team van Pels Rijcken – tezamen met technische experts van Linksight en TNO – deze juridische aspecten (in relatie tot de technische aspecten) van de inzet van MPC verkend. Gezien de grote hoeveelheid aan verschijningsvormen die MPC kent, is ervoor gekozen om twee specifieke decentrale MPC-toepassingen tot uitgangspunt te nemen in dit whitepaper, namelijk een specifieke vorm van ‘homomorfe encryptie’ (in dit whitepaper ook wel “decentrale homomorfe encryptie”) en een specifieke vorm van ‘secret sharing’, namelijk een die is gebaseerd op een ‘full threshold secret sharing scheme’ (in dit whitepaper ook wel aangeduid als “secret sharing”).

Netherlands AI Coalition (NL AIC)

This guide actively supports organisations with challenges regarding data sharing for AI applications. This guide focuses on the guidelines and building blocks to interconnect data spaces. 

Netherlands AI Coalition (NL AIC)

This guide actively supports organisations with challenges regarding data sharing for AI applications. In doing so, this guide focuses on the guidelines and building blocks for individual (sectoral, application-specific) AI data spaces.

A European attempt to define the Digital Product Passport system. The project aims to demonstrate functioning DPPs in real settings and at scale. This project is ongoing from May 2024 until April 2027.