Centre of Excellence for Data Sharing and Cloud (CoE-DSC)

The true value of data can only be realised if it is shared and re-used throughout the digital economy. The CoE-DSC aims to unlock this value by supporting organisations in realising scalable data spaces, the next evolutionary concept in data sharing.

Who we are

One central hub in the Netherlands to find answers to data sharing and cloud challenges

The Centre of Excellence – Data Sharing and Cloud (CoE-DSC) supports organisations with establishing trust mechanisms for secure and trusted data sharing and usage of cloud, ensuring that they can tap into the business opportunities this transformative practice offers. Our mission is to unlock the true value of data sharing by supporting organisations in realising scalable data spaces, the next evolutionary concept in data sharing. Through the development of generic building blocks and collaborative efforts, we enable easier and cost-effective implementation of data spaces across sectors and geographies.

Support creating economic and social value

The CoE-DSC is the central hub in the Netherlands to find answers to data sharing and cloud challenges. We bring together the expertise and achievements of parties like the IDSA hub, the data sharing working group AIC4NL Data  and the Gaia-X Hub Netherlands. By uniting forces, we aim to prevent fragmentation and provide the Dutch data sharing community with a centralised hub of knowledge, tools, use cases and expertise. In this way we support the developments of sovereign data sharing to create both economic and social value.

The CoE-DSC is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. The coordination of activities is the responsibility of the TNO.


On February 4, 2025 AMS-IX , one of the largest internet hubs in the world, and ECP| platform for the Information Society, presented a neutral overview map with all the pros and cons of non-European cloud services to the Digital Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives.
On Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th of February 2025, the next edition of the Data Sharing Festival will take place. This year’s topic is ‘Next Level Dataspaces: Adopt, Scale and Roll-out’. Check the program, speakers, interactive breakout-sessions and register.

Events & Webinars

Our community

Would you like to join our community? Please contact us at [email protected].

Do you want to stay informed?

A lot is happening in the field of data sharing and cloud. Stay informed about our activities and relevant news and events. 

Subscribe to the newsletter of the Centre of Excellence for Data Sharing and Cloud (CoE-DSC).

Frequently Asked Questions

The CoE-DSC functions as a central hub for market players seeking solutions to develop trust in data sharing by providing access to relevant tools, knowledge, and best practices. The CoE-DSC is an open collaborative initiative seeking alignment with sectoral data sharing initiatives avoid fragmentation in solutions. CoE-DSC combines all knowledge and expertise that has been developed within the Working Group Data Sharing of the NL AIC, the Data Sharing Coalition, and the Gaia-X Hub NL, and provides access to open-source components, standards and implementations that are currently available in the market.

At the moment, further information on the tools and guidelines can be found on the websites of the original initiatives. All documents can be downloaded on the websites of the original initiatives. Links to existing tools and guidelines are:


Furthermore, we are currently working on creating an inventory of reusable open-source components, standards, and implementations available in the market.

Members of the CoE-DSC community get the opportunity to participate in the development of (cross-sectoral) data sharing use cases with support from experts and tools, gain and share knowledge about (cross-sectoral) data sharing through participation in various activities organized by the CoE-DSC and collaborate with other participants.

This means being involved in new initiatives and projects, and becoming part of an open and active community that will enrich your network.

No membership fee is charged to CoE-DSC community members. However, we do ask an in-kind commitment from our community members. In-kind commitment consists of actively contributing to the knowledge community by attending community activities, as well as participating in the development of data sharing use cases.

Organisations that are interested can join the Centre of Excellence for Data Sharing and Cloud by following these four simple steps:

  1. Reach out to the dedicated project team of the CoE-DSC to express interest in joining the CoE-DSC community by sending an email to: [email protected]
  2. Join an introductory appointment/intake call to get acquainted and to discuss the details of participation (role and commitment)
  3. Confirm participation, agreed role, and level of commitment
  4. Get onboarded and invited to all relevant meetings