Knowledge Base


In this section of the knowledge base you can look for resources categorized by topic. To help you find what you need, have created an overview of the topics and their subtopics, as well as whether they contain data space specific resources or not. If you are looking for some more general introductory resources, please check out our introduction pages.

The first two topics, business and technical are inspired by the Data Space Blueprint 1.0 by the Data Spaces Support Centre (DSSC).


While we do not aim to give an exhaustive overview, we are currently still working on filling up this knowledge base with relevant resources. Are you missing something? Please let us know through ‘submit your initiative or knowledge’. Thank you!


This page contains resources related to business, governance, and legal, inspired by the DSSC’s Business Building Blocks.

This page contains resources related to interoperability, sovereignty, trust, and data value creation, inspired by the DSSC’s Technical Building Blocks.

This page contains resources related to data space development, such as reference architectures, implementation guidelines, and connectors.

This page provides important information, tools, and tips about cloud technology.

This page lists resources for applications and related techniques, such as Artificial Intelligence, Digital Product Passports, and Privacy Enhancing Technologies.