Knowledge Base

Data Space Development Tools

This page provides an overview of CoE-DSC tools on data space development.

When designing your data space, working step by step ensures progress and enhances the chances of success, which is why we opt for a phased approach. Furthermore, it allows you to gradually increase the commitment of the involved stakeholders. The four phases of our approach are based on the common challenges identified for each stage in the development of our use cases. The four phases we designed are;

  1. Explore: identify the benefit of sharing data for a specific use case and which actors need to be involved
  2. Design: design the agreements, tools, and processes that need to be in place to establish trust needed for data sharing in this use case
  3. Implement: create and implement the agreements, tools, and processes needed to realise data sharing in this use case
  4. Scale: develop trust mechanisms to mitigate data sharing barriers between participants and increase adoption


Note: our approach will be tailored to the needs of the use case depending on the context.

In the first phase of data space development, we guide you through several steps that enable you to kickstart a data sharing use case. The goal of this phase is to establish a clear scope of the use case and identify its potential impact. This is typically achieved after participating in workshops with the CoE-DSC project team and conducting market research (e.g., interviews, desk research). During this process, we help you to structure and clearly formulate your use case. You can get a glimpse of the process in our Use Case Playbook. After finishing this process, the result is a news article published on the website of the CoE-DSC.

Feel free to contact us once you have your initial idea and the first version of the completed playbook to get help in your use case development journey.

In the second phase of data space development, we work with a group of stakeholders representing all actors involved in the use case to create an overview of all relevant topics in a high-level use case design. The goal of this phase is to establish a high-level use case design that covers all elements needed to create the necessary trust to share data in this use case and that is ready for potential future scalability. For example, the high-level design can be used when applying for funding for the implementation – it shows that all relevant topics needed for trust have been considered.

By organising workshops with all relevant stakeholders and by applying our Use Case Blueprint, you will produce the design for the use case. In the workshops, the BLOFT framework is used to create an overview of all topics relevant for your use case. BLOFT is an abbreviation for Business, Legal, Operational, Functional, and Technical topics that are relevant to organise trust in data sharing between participants. For example, a topic that must be considered under Business is Fee structures, for Legal it could be Governance, Contracts Applicable Regulation and for Functional it could be required functional support, UX and Privacy features. Download our Blueprint for more examples.

Furthermore, the CoE-DSC can support you to ensure that all contextual criteria are met before moving to the implementation phase. This could for example include support to arrange funding, to involve a sufficient number of stakeholders, or to create awareness of the value of the use case.

In the third phase of data space development, all involved stakeholders work on the implementation of the use case. After implementation of the required agreements, you will have a live pilot of your use case. The tool that helps you in this phase is our Use Case Implementation Guide (UCIG). This document is based on the lessons learned so far from our Green Loans use case and provides you with requirements for the functional and technical implementation of your use case, which helps to ensure interoperability and scalability in the future.


The Data Sharing Canvas is a document that provides a foundation for agreements and serves as a stepping-stone to facilitate trust and technical interoperability for cross-domain data sharing at scale. These generic agreements concern the business, legal, operational, functional, and technical conditions under which data can and is allowed to be shared. Examples of topics include roles & responsibilities, governance, security standards, incident management, and functional scope.