Knowledge Base


Welcome to the ‘business’ section of this knowledge base. This page contains resources related to the business aspects of Data Spaces.

The topics in this section are based on the business and organisational building block of the Data Spaces Support Centre Blueprint v1.0.

This page is still under construction, which means we are actively working on gathering more resources to list here. Missing something? Submit your initiative or knowledge!
Data Spaces Support Centre

This page explains the business and organisational building blocks in the Data Spaces Support Centre blueprint. This can help understand the different categories within this building block, which is especially helpful when navigating our own business topic page.

European Commission
The Data Governance Act (DGA) is a cross-sectoral instrument that aims to regulate the reuse of publicly/held, protected data, by boosting data sharing through the regulation of novel data intermediaries and by encouraging the sharing of data for altruistic purposes. 
S. Rossello, R. Díaz Morales, L. Muñoz-González (2021)

This article investigates some of the data protection implications of an emerging privacy preserving machine learning technique, i.e. federated machine learning. First, it shortly describes how this technique works and focuses on some of the main security threats it faces. Second, it presents some of the ways in which this technique can facilitate compliance with certain principles of the General Data Protection Regulation as well as some of the challenges it may pose under the latter.


In dit whitepaper heeft het IP&T-team van Pels Rijcken – tezamen met technische experts van Linksight en TNO – deze juridische aspecten (in relatie tot de technische aspecten) van de inzet van MPC verkend. Gezien de grote hoeveelheid aan verschijningsvormen die MPC kent, is ervoor gekozen om twee specifieke decentrale MPC-toepassingen tot uitgangspunt te nemen in dit whitepaper, namelijk een specifieke vorm van ‘homomorfe encryptie’ (in dit whitepaper ook wel “decentrale homomorfe encryptie”) en een specifieke vorm van ‘secret sharing’, namelijk een die is gebaseerd op een ‘full threshold secret sharing scheme’ (in dit whitepaper ook wel aangeduid als “secret sharing”).


This quiz is an entry into the European data economy: an area of the economy where the collection and use of data play a central role. Thereby, it indirectly points towards the need for data spaces from a legal, European perspective. It explains more about the data markets act and data services act as well as the role digital giants and how Europe should be competing against them.


Parties interested in deploying a data space need to use the right technologies and need to make sure they get the business and governance of the data space right. This is easier said than done, because there is relatively little guidance on how to deploy a data space successfully. What guidance can be given? On behalf of the CoE-DSC, a white paper has been written about this topic by Gijs van Houwelingen et al., TNO.