
The people working for or with the CoE-DSC produce many materials. This page gives an overview of all the CoE-DSC deliverables that they created. Unlike our external resources, we guarantee the quality of our own deliverables.


The paper discusses the potential value of combining data from various sources for analysis in sectors like healthcare, public administration, and finance, despite challenges related to data sharing due to privacy legislation. It highlights Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) as a solution, enabling robust analysis of combined data while maintaining privacy. The report proposes integrating PETs into Data Spaces, leveraging research concepts to demonstrate how collaboration among parties can facilitate effective PET use beyond technological considerations, thus shaping future R&D agendas.


Data Spaces and Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) have a common goal: making insights from data accessible in a confidential manner. But despite this overlap, the development of data spaces and PETs are driven by two different communities. According to Freek Bomhof and Harrie Bastiaansen, both consultants at TNO and affiliated with the CoE-DSC, this must change. Both Freek and Harrie were involved in the development of a joint Big Data Value Association (BDVA) and CoE-DSC whitepaper ‘Leveraging the benefits of combining data spaces and privacy enhancing technologies’. We spoke with them about why applying PETs within data spaces, confidentially exchanging insights from (privacy sensitive) data becomes more scalable.


This document outlines how Catena-X and the Smart Connected Supplier Network (SCSN) work together towards data space interoperability.


Dit document left uit wat de implicaties en voordelen van Digitale Product Paspoorten (DPPs) zijn voor MKBs.


In dit whitepaper heeft het IP&T-team van Pels Rijcken – tezamen met technische experts van Linksight en TNO – deze juridische aspecten (in relatie tot de technische aspecten) van de inzet van MPC verkend. Gezien de grote hoeveelheid aan verschijningsvormen die MPC kent, is ervoor gekozen om twee specifieke decentrale MPC-toepassingen tot uitgangspunt te nemen in dit whitepaper, namelijk een specifieke vorm van ‘homomorfe encryptie’ (in dit whitepaper ook wel “decentrale homomorfe encryptie”) en een specifieke vorm van ‘secret sharing’, namelijk een die is gebaseerd op een ‘full threshold secret sharing scheme’ (in dit whitepaper ook wel aangeduid als “secret sharing”).


The text discusses the importance of data spaces and interoperability in unlocking the full potential of data sharing. It highlights challenges in semantic interoperability across data spaces due to varying vocabularies. The paper proposes using the Data Catalogue Vocabulary Application Profile (DCAT-AP) to standardize vocabulary exchange, aiming to enhance discoverability and facilitate federated searches across data spaces, ultimately supporting semantic interoperability.


Deze memo bevat een samenvatting van de Gaia-X Digital Clearing House (GXDCH) testomgeving.


A presentation outlining the lessons learned with the Structura-X Proof of Concept from the perspectives of multiple involved parties.


This presentation details how a consortium of service providers conducts tests on cloud federation and portability within a national test environment. It addresses customer demand for flexible and sovereign cloud services while discussing challenges related to scaling up.


This paper addresses the challenges of orchestrating workload deployment in the edge-cloud continuum and provides a taxonomy to understand different aspects of this process.


To contribute to the Structura-X project of Gaia-X, the Dutch Gaia-X hub, TNO, BIT, Intermax, Info Support, SURF and AMS-IX are conducting tests around cloud federation and portability in a national Gaia-X test environment. During one of our most recent Community Meetings, Erik Langius, Senior Integrator & Project Manager at TNO, elaborated on the need for a European federated cloud infrastructure that enables organisations to freely shift their data across several cloud providers.


The CoE-DSC Reference Implementation Report explores the functionality and application of Data Spaces to address diverse data sharing challenges, emphasizing use cases like Self-Sovereign Identities (SSI), high-volume low-latency streaming, and semantic interoperability. It highlights Data Spaces as decentralized alternatives, offering enhanced control and scalability compared to traditional methods. The report provides detailed insights into technical and organizational requirements for developing Data Spaces, integrating specific use cases into a generic architecture to demonstrate their flexibility and scalability for modern data sharing needs.


Parties interested in deploying a data space need to use the right technologies and need to make sure they get the business and governance of the data space right. This is easier said than done, because there is relatively little guidance on how to deploy a data space successfully. What guidance can be given? On behalf of the CoE-DSC, a white paper has been written about this topic by Gijs van Houwelingen et al., TNO.


The article discusses a collaboration between Dutch knowledge institutes, internet providers, and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (EZK) to establish a national Gaia-X test environment in the Netherlands. This initiative enables Dutch cloud service providers to test their solutions against European Gaia-X standards and regulations using Kubernetes technology initially, with plans to integrate other cloud federation technologies later. The goal is to promote data sovereignty in Europe by fostering a network of certified independent cloud providers and offering better data control to users.


This report explores the impact of the eIDAS revision (eIDAS2)1 and the evolving EU Digital Identity landscape on data spaces. It emphasises the critical role of digital identity as a fundamental building block for data spaces, analysing how eIDAS regulations, both current and revised, offer opportunities for enhancing digital identity procedures in data spaces.


We demonstrate the ability to expand cloud compute resources by using third-party resources in a trusted and transparent way by applying the Gaia-X Framework. This targets to eliminate mitigates vendor lock-ins for businesses acquiring cloud services and infrastructure resources.