Recordings and slidedeck – Community Meeting DSIC the first version

CoE-DSC Community Meeting

In November, our Community Meeting was focused on the first version of DSIC. With this webinar we started a next phase for DSIC – the opening of the review period.

During this online event we shared insights on the state of the EU and Dutch data sharing landscapes, highlighted how the convergence is developing and how this influences your roadmap. We talked about no-regret options that you can already pursue and considerations to be aware of when navigating the topic of cross-domain interoperability.

In this webinar we presented:

  • DSIC introduction & steps forward by Peter Verkoulen (Program Director CoE-DSC)
    This part addressed what was accomplished this year, and where DSIC is going.
  • DSIC findings, reflections and implications
    The DSIC-team (Gijs van Houwelingen, Pieter Verhagen & Yekaterina Travkina) shared reflections on observed approaches & trends towards interoperability, and how does convergence look like on EU level and local level in the Dutch data sharing landscape.
  • Connection with practice, learnings from CoE-DSC use cases
    Learnings from two cross-domain use cases from this year shared by use case representatives. We showed learnings on constructing interoperability in practice from:
    1.  CCAM – Cooperative, Connected & Automated Mobility use case on electric charging for mobility – Richard Beekhuis – Product Manager MFFBAS
    2.  Company Passport –  exploration of organisational wallets’ usage across data spaces – Gerard van der Hoeven – director iSHARE Foundation.
  • Deep-dive into DSIC learnings on Trust & Discoverability Building Blocks & Tools
    The DSIC team walked through existing solutions for Trust & Discoverability and actionable options one can already pursue depending on their context. As well as a walkthrough of tools being created within DSIC.
  • Q&A and next steps
    In this part of the session all your questions about DSIC and cross-domain interoperability were answered. At the end we explained the review process, and how we engage our community members in providing feedback.


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Planning reviewed version

We are planning to release the reviewed version of DSIC at the end of December 2024. If you have any questions or input, reach out to [email protected].


This meeting was powered by Topsector ICT.
Topsector ICT


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