Use Cases

The Centre of Excellence for Data Sharing and Cloud (CoE-DSC) works on several (cross-sectoral) use cases of data sharing. In these use cases, organisations (from different domains) collaboratively define and realise a use case that creates new value by sharing data. Besides new value creation, the use cases provide the CoE-DSC with real-life insights in what is required to achieve interoperability between different organisations, domains and/or data sharing initiatives. Based on our experience with developing different use cases, the CoE-DSC can help you tackle the common problems in use case development and to realise your data sharing use case.

This use case was initiated in collaboration with the Data Sharing Coalition, one of the founding partners of the CoE-DSC. Introduction to the use case context In recent years, the […]

The Amsterdam Commons, Post Platforms Foundation, Schluss, and the CoE-DSC are collaboratively exploring personal data spaces to establish data sovereignty for commons. Commons refer to a collective of people who share and manage resources according to mutually agreed-upon rules, characterized by self-organization, local participation, non-hierarchical structures, and inclusivity. Examples in Amsterdam include shared housing, community-managed parks, and energy and mobility collectives.
Together with the Data Sharing Coalition, we worked together with eIDAS experts, the Company Passport initiative and the iSHARE foundation to describe where the wallet could add value to existing trust infrastructure, what the current barriers are and provide next steps for CoE-DSC, iSHARE and Company Passport.
Together with our participant SBR Nexus, data of industry association members is shared with industry associations to create valuable insights about the whole sector.
Together with our participant Hypotheken Data Netwerk (HDN), we enabled consumers to share their energy data with financial loan providers to get support to make their house more sustainable.
Together with our participants iSHARE and Verbond van Verzekeraars, we realised a use case on sharing freight transport data with insurers to enable improved processes and risk management.