Phase 3 – Implement: Use Case Implementation Guide (UCIG)


In the third phase of data space development, all involved stakeholders work on the implementation of the use case. After implementation of the required agreements, you will have a live pilot of your use case. The tool that helps you in this phase is our Use Case Implementation Guide (UCIG). This document is based on the lessons learned so far from our Green Loans use case and provides you with requirements for the functional and technical implementation of your use case, which helps to ensure interoperability and scalability in the future.


More resources

FAIR Data Point

FAIR Data Point (FDP) is a metadata service that provides access to metadata following the FAIR principles. FDP uses a REST API for creating, storing, and serving FAIR metadata. FDP

FAIR Implementation profile

To accelerate broad community convergence on FAIR implementation options, the GO FAIR community launched the development of machine-actionable FAIR Implementation Profiles (FIP). The FIP is a collection of FAIR implementation

Interpreting FAIR

The FAIR Guiding Principles provide guidance when improving Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability of digital resources. But they do not dictate specific technological implementations. The GO FAIR Foundation believes that