FAIR Implementation profile

To accelerate broad community convergence on FAIR implementation options, the GO FAIR community launched the development of machine-actionable FAIR Implementation Profiles (FIP). The FIP is a collection of FAIR implementation choices made by a community of practice for each of the FAIR Principles. Community specific FAIR Implementation Profiles are captured as FAIR datasets and are openly available to other communities for reuse.

The FAIR Implementation Profiles, which represent the implementation strategies of various communities, can be used as the basis to optimise the reuse of existing FAIR-enabling resources and interoperation within and between domains. Ready-made and well-tested FAIR Implementation Profiles created by trusted communities can find widespread reuse among other communities, and vastly accelerate convergence onto well-informed FAIR implementations.

Create your FAIR Implementation profile


More resources

FAIR Data Point

FAIR Data Point (FDP) is a metadata service that provides access to metadata following the FAIR principles. FDP uses a REST API for creating, storing, and serving FAIR metadata. FDP

Interpreting FAIR

The FAIR Guiding Principles provide guidance when improving Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability of digital resources. But they do not dictate specific technological implementations. The GO FAIR Foundation believes that