This content was created by the Data Sharing Coalition, one of the founding partners of the CoE-DSC.
The Data Sharing Coalition welcomes the legislation that is proposed by the European Commission to ensure that more data becomes available for use in the data economy while ensuring that data remains sovereign and is used for authorised purposes only as controlled by the entitled party.
The Data Sharing Coalition encourages the objectives of the Data Act to improve fair access and portability of data, since this is considered a key enabler of value creation in the data economy. Businesses should have a lawful basis for data sharing like consumers have under GDPR, in particular for data that they generated themselves using machinery (IoT) and computer tooling (software, hardware). Businesses should be provided the tools and mechanisms to access and transfer their data to any 3rd party based on their consent. Releasing these data will spark new value creation and services.
In further advancing the Data Act, the Data Sharing Coalition encourages the Commission to set the right values and principles for access and use of data such that the market can develop the supportive infrastructure and technology for data sharing.
For a detailed response per policy theme download our official response to the Data Act market consultation of the European Commission.