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Public Sector Data Space Event Gaia-X

Public Sector Data Space Event Gaia-x

In recent years, the public sector in Europe has undergone a significant digital transformation, resulting in a tremendous increase in the exchange of data. To fully prosper in this data-driven economy, Gaia-X provides a framework for better data availability, improving the production and distribution of content, developing and establishing new business models, and stimulating socio-economic growth and innovation.

The aim of this event is to inform representatives of the public sector in Europe about public sector activities and ideas for creating and establishing public sector data spaces. Gaia-X believes that cooperation within the public sector vertical is the key to success.

Attend the online event to learn about the latest developments in public sector data spaces, share your ideas and experiences, and connect with public sector professionals.

Visit the event website for more information or register here.


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What SMEs should know about EU digital legislations

What SMEs should know about EU digital legislations

Olga Batura, Senior scientist at TNO, shares some insights about the Digital Markets Act (DMA), the Digital Services Act (DSA), the Data Act, the Cyber Resilience Act, and the AI Act (which she also shared during our Community Meeting of June).