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Orientation session on standards for the Data Act

Standards for the purposes of the Data Act

On May 7, NEN is organising an orientation session on Data Act standardisation topics. The Data Act is the European law published and entered into force on December 13, 2023 with requirements for data and cloud interoperability. As of September 20, 2025, parties must comply with this new law. The Act is an important pillar of the European data strategy and sets the rules for the fair use of data generated by Internet-connected products (IoT). This means that European standards, which implement the Data Act, will also be developed or updated and this will take place at the European standardisation institutes CEN and CENELEC. It is important to be well informed about this and to offer experts the opportunity to write about the standards. NEN is the Dutch organisation that guides and supports this process of European standardisation.


Topics for standards

For the following three Data Act topics, existing or non-existing standards will be updated or new standards will be written:

  1. Data sharing – ‘Interoperability requirements for data spaces’/’Essential requirements regarding interoperability of data spaces’
  2. Cloud portability – ‘Interoperability requirements for data processing services’/’Interoperability for data processing services’. Open standards/technical IT specifications are needed. Those IT specifications must comply with important principles, such as openness, consensus and transparency
  3. Smart contracts – ‘Requirements for automatic execution of data sharing agreements (smart contracts)’/’Essential requirements regarding smart contracts for executing data sharing agreements’


Orientation session on standards for the Data Act

On May 7, NEN is organising an orientation session on the above mentioned Data Act standardisation topics. The meeting will take place at NEN in Delft and will conclude with informal drinks. In the session, standardisation work will be discussed, as well as participants’ interests and wishes. The meeting is for Dutch stakeholders who want to actively participate in the standardisation work.

An active stakeholder group is essential for the development of European standards. NEN and CoE-DSC invite interested Dutch organisations to play a role in this process. Interested parties can register by sending an email.

Send an email to peter.verkoulen@tno.nl


Proposal for creation of Technical Commission

Furthermore, a proposal is on the table for the establishment of the Technical Commission (TC) for ‘Data, Dataspaces, Cloud and Edge’, which will be responsible for the development of European standards. NEN is looking for Dutch participants for both the focus group and the Technical Commission. Interested parties can apply by sending an email.

Send an email to peter.verkoulen@tno.nl


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