The Data Sharing Coalition introduces its Use Case Implementation Guide that supports the implementation of data sharing use cases

The Data Sharing Coalition introduces its Use Case Implementation Guide that supports the implementation of data sharing use cases

This content was created by the Data Sharing Coalition, one of the founding partners of the CoE-DSC.

Today, the Data Sharing Coalition presents the Use Case Implementation Guide (UCIG), a tool for organisations that want to start sharing data through a data sharing use case. The UCIG provides organisations with a reference implementation of the technical and functional requirements necessary to realise an interoperable data sharing use case. For example, the UCIG includes which API, identification, authentication, and security mechanisms are needed to enable interoperability. By making agreements about these requirements and implementing them, organisations can start a pilot and start sharing data. Furthermore, following the guidelines of the UCIG prepares organisations for future growth by ensuring that their data sharing use case is scalable and interoperable.

Generic archetype

The UCIG focusses on a generic data sharing archetype, one where data is shared between a data service provider and a data service consumer, based on approval given by the entitled party. This common archetype is also found in the Data Sharing Coalition’s Green Loans use case. Use cases based on other data sharing archetypes can still apply the generic elements of the UCIG and use the UCIG as a source of inspiration. In addition, the UCIG is based on open standards and aligned with existing data sharing standards and implementations. This ensures that data sharing use cases are scalable in the future.

The Data Sharing Coalition believes that a step-by-step approach to realising use cases increases the likelihood that a use case will be successful. Organisations can use the Use Case Implementation Guide in the implementation phase to make their use case operational.

Step-by-step development of data sharing use cases in three phases

The Data Sharing Coalition’s use case development approach to develop its own use cases consists of three phases: (1) explore, (2) design, (3) implement. In the explore phase, initiators of a data sharing use case identify the value of data sharing, (other) actors they want to involve in the use case, and they define the scope of the use case. In the design phase, the participants of a use case come to agreements, tools, and processes that are necessary to create the trust needed to share data within the use case. In the implementation phase, the agreements, tools, and processes are created and implemented to actually share data in a live pilot of the use case.

Sander Middendorp, Chair of the Data Sharing Coalition: “To support participants, the Data Sharing Coalition has developed a tool for each of these three phases. We previously released the Use Case Playbook for the explore phase and the Use Case Blueprint for the design phase of a use case. With the Use Case Implementation Guide, we now offer organisations a tool to make their use case design operational. In addition to our tools, we are also happy to provide data sharing expertise to help organisations tackle their data sharing challenges or with their ideas for data sharing use cases. I would like to invite those organisations to join the Data Sharing Coalition.”


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