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Help co-create the Data Spaces Interoperability Compass (DSIC)

In 2024, the CoE-DSC is starting a co-creation of Data Spaces Interoperability Compass (DSIC), that is a living document and a set of tools to aid data spaces & data sharing initiatives get closer to interoperability, navigate current landscape of available building blocks, and explore a roadmap of data space developments.

As part of the co-creation process there are two main workstreams and other related activities that  our community is invited to participate in throughout the year.

To read more details on specific deliverables and co-creation process, download the information package below.

Interested to join or have questions? Reach out to CoE-DSC via,
or personally to our team members.

Our workstreams and additional activities

8 May the Kick-off session was hosted (for more information download the Kick-off deck). Community members who have signed up are now involved in the research activities.

The CoE-DSC team is now conducting interviews with participants. On July 5, an interactive session was planned to discuss interoperability challenges and value of federating data spaces, to discover what does it mean for the development of your data sharing initiative. For the recordings and slidedeck of this session, please click here.

After the summer we will stay in touch on future sessions/workshops for specific elements like digital identity, and discoverability, as well as participation in the review period.

For any questions reach out to:
Or to Gijs van Houwelingen:

8 May the Kick-off session was hosted (for more information download the Kick-off deck). Federative cases are progressing on the individual basis. Specific case results will be communicated in the future on the CoE-DSC website after the case completion.

If you have an interesting case or an idea you want CoE-DSC to address, please reach out to our team.

For any questions reach out to:
Or to Yekaterina Travkina:

The first meetings of architects were held on April 4 and June 27. The next session was scheduled for September 26 in Utrecht. If you are signed up for the CoE-DSC dataspace architect activities, please check your mailbox for relevant updates.

For any questions reach out to:

Or to Harrie Bastiaansen:

The CoE-DSC has been documenting existing Dutch data sharing initiatives as well as service providers in the field of data sharing. As the result, we created a Data Sharing Landscape Scan plotting together existing activities in the Netherlands.

Note that the scan made by the CoE-DSC is a ‘living’ document that depicts existing Dutch data sharing initiatives (DSIs) and service providers (SPs) in various sectors that self-reported via a survey, or were found through desk research. Visit this page for the interactive version of the Landscape Scan. 

Trial version of the Landscape – your feedback is valuable to us for future iterations

Below, you will find the first version of the Landscape scan for Dutch Data Sharing Initiatives, that CoE-DSC is planning to update and publish periodically. As such, it serves as an initial documentation which will progress in the upcoming versions, based on the input from data sharing initiatives and service providers, accompanied by desk research.

If your initiative/organisation is not yet part of the scan or plotted incorrectly, please fill in the survey to provide us with the needed information. Feel free to reach out to us via or by contacting the authors.

Fill out the survey

Download the report here 

Our team members

For overall questions
Gijs van Houwelingen
For DSIC elements workstream
For federative cases workstream
Harrie Bastiaansen
For architect meetings