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Workshop value creation with AI for your business: first steps towards a concrete roadmap

What are the benefits and risks of AI? Where do I start? What do I need to consider? How do I integrate AI into my strategy/vision? How and with whom can I collaborate? What is a good first use case? What support channels are available? If you can (partly) identify with these questions and want to get started with AI within your small and medium sized business, join the workshop “Value creation with AI for your business: first steps towards a concrete roadmap” (in Dutch) on Thursday, March 30, 2023 at Perron038 in Zwolle from 12:30-18:00. Participation is free of charge.

You will:

  • Gain basic knowledge of AI and get real life examples
  • Gain new connections with peers and the support network of the region
  • Get a roadmap for the next 6-12 months to take the first steps with AI within your organisation


Visit the website to learn more and register.


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Minister van EZ bevestigt rol TNO en CoE-DSC op het gebied van data delen

In de Tweede Kamer werd op maandag 30 september 2024 gedebatteerd over de Uitvoeringswet Data Governance Verordening. De minister van Economische Zaken Dirk Beljaarts beantwoordde vragen vanuit de Kamer. Hij gaf daarbij aan dat hij een belangrijke rol ziet voor het CoE-DSC bij het ondersteunen van de ontwikkeling van data delen in Nederland.

Osaka 2025 Hightech and Digitalization online information session – 18 October 2024

We invite you to join an online information session on Friday 18 October 2024 for the upcoming Mission to Japan on Hightech and Digitalization (HTDX) on the occasion of the Osaka Expo 2025. We will share the background, objectives and updates on plans for a high-level HTDX Mission in the week of 18-28 May 2025 at the Expo and in the areas of Osaka and Tokyo. This online information session is organized by Netherlands Innovation Network Tokyo (NIN) . CoE-DSC