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Data Summit Luxembourg & Schengen-X

Data Summit Luxembourg & Schengen-X

Two key actors in the European Data Spaces landscape have joined forces. On the 4th and 5th of December, Luxembourg National Data Services (LNDS) and five Gaia-X hubs (Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands) organise intriguing discussions around data and share impact projects through various use cases and demonstrations, both nationally and on a cross-border scale.

Data Summit Luxembourg – 4th of December

The Data Summit Luxembourg will provide with inspiring knowledge, fruitful discussions and intriguing impact projects, demonstrating value creation from multiple sources of data. On the road to becoming the leading international event for public sector data, the Data Summit is created and hosted by the Luxembourg National Data Services (LNDS). LNDS will hold its inaugural launch event on the morning of Monday 4th December, and the first Data Summit Luxembourg meeting for the data-savvy audience in the afternoon.

Schengen-X – 4th and 5th of December

Organised by the five Gaia-X hubs representing the originators of the Schengen treaty (Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands), Schengen-X is a regional event to explain the Gaia-X framework and illustrate its application in various cross-border use cases and applications. Schengen-X will run on Monday 4th afternoon and Tuesday 5th morning, side by side to the Data Summit Luxembourg.

4 december

  • 2:00-2:20PM – Welcome by Sasha Baillie, CEO, Luxinnovation
  • 2:25-2:55PM – The Gaia-X vision and next steps. By Ulrich Ahle, CEO, Gaia-X European Association for Data and Cloud
  • 3:00-3:30PM – Panel discussion: The importance of digital sovereignty. With EuroHPC representative, Peter Kraemer (Director Data Sovereignty Solutions, Capgemini), and Raluca Peica (Director General European Court of Justice)
  • 3:30-4:00PM – Coffee break
  • 4:00-4:40PM – Gaia-X ecosystem: framework specifications and key objectives. By Pierre Gronlier, CTO, Gaia-X
  • 4:45-5:25PM – Gaia-X: Accelerating sovereign, data driven ecosystems. By Roland Fadrany, Chief Operating Officer, Gaia-X
  • 5:25-5:30PM – Closing remarks by Ralf Hustadt, National Hub Coordinator Gaia-X, Luxinnovation

5 december

Please note: there are two tracks with sessions, taking place at the same time.

Track 1: Data economy and business models
9.00 – 13.00
Room B

  • 9:00-09:05AM – Welcome by Gaia-X hub coordinators
  • 9:05-9:30AM – Health: Dataspace4health. Presented by Michael Mossal, Group CTO Office, NTT, Director Digital Transformation
  • 9:35-10:00AM – Panel Discussion: Managing personal data and the challenges of data spaces in the healthcare sector. With Kim Luyckx (Domain Lead Health, Imec), Jasmin Schultz (Chief Coordinator, Clinnova), and Harald Wagner (Head of Cloud and IT, Berlin Institute of Health)
  • 10:00-10:15AM – Coffee break
  • 10:15-10:50AM – Panel Discussion: Spotlight on Federated Mobility across Europe. With Dr.-Ing. German Castignani (Digital Twin Innovation Centre Manager, LIST), Simon Claus (Project manager, Expert Smart Data, Digitaal Vlaanderen), Dominique Epardeau (Project Manager Program Management Office, EONA-X), Dr. Andreas Heindl (Project Director Mobility Data Space, Acatech), Prof. Dr. Frank Köster (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt e.V., Founding Director of the Institue for AI Safety and Security), and Harmen van der Kooij (Lead Mobility Track, Gaia-X Netherlands)
  • 10:50-11:10AM – Gaia-X Digital Clearing House: Status and next step of TEMS (Trusted European Media data space). Presented by Véronique Demilly, Déléguée aux collaborations, France Télévisions
  • 11:15-11:45AM – TechSprints and the finance data space. Presented by Stephan Bredt (Head of Department, State of Hessen) and Patrick Laurens Frings (Directeur de la Transformation opérationnelle, digital et des SI Groupe, Caisse des Dépôts)
  • 11:45AM-12:00PM – Coffee break
  • 12:00-12:25PM – Panel discussion: Logistics and supply chain management. With Tanguy Coenen (Datatech scientific lead, Imec), Jon Kuiper (Senior Policy Advisor, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, Netherlands), and Lucas Schreiber (Deputy Head of Department Supply Chain Engineering, Fraunhofer IML)
  • 12:25-12:50PM – Funding on European Level. Presented by Federico Milani (Deputy Head of the Data Policy and Innovation Unit, DG Connect, European Commission)
  • 12:50-1:00PM – Closing remarks


Track 2: Implementation and Adoption
9.00 – 13.00
Room C

  • 9:00-09:05AM – Welcome by Gaia-X hub coordinators
  • 9:05-9:30AM – Fireside Chat: Definition and characteristics of a data space: Example of the European data space for agriculture and Data4Food project. Presented by Sébastien Picardat (General Director and CEO, Agdatahub) and Jurgen Vangeyte (Scientific Director Agricultural Engineering, ILVO)
  • 9:35-10:00AM – Panel Discussion: The European construction industry’s take on digital territory monitoring. With Frederic Bellaiche (VP Technology & Research, Dawex), Christophe Castaing (Former Director, Egis Group, Digital engineering programme), and Ilkka Lakaniemi (Director, Center for Knowledge and Innovation Research CKIR, Aalto University)
  • 10:00-10:15AM – Coffee break
  • 10:15-10:50AM – Gaia-X architecture & standards 101 The trust framework and demonstration of the data exchange progress. Presented by Pierre Gronlier (CTO, Gaia-X)
  • 10:50-11:20AM – Fireside Chat: Cross-border data exchange for the traceability of resources: Catena-X and SCSN. Presented by Matthijs Punter (Senior Researcher Data Ecosystems, TNO – Centre of Excellence for Data Sharing & Cloud)
  • 11:20-11:45AM – Panel Discussion: Towards a European energy data space with Gaia-X compliant services. With Javier Valino (Head of Energy, Climate and Decarbonization Unit – Research & Innovation, Eviden), Dr. Oliver Warweg (Group Leader, Fraunhofer IML), and Marco Witschge (Product Owner DVU, Netherlands Enterprise Agency)
  • 11:45AM-12:00PM – Coffee break
  • 12:00-12:25PM – Spotlight on the French Data space lab. Presented by Anne-Sophie Taillandier (Teralab Director, IMT)
  • 12:25-12:50PM – Prometheus X: Towards a common European skills data space. Presented by Mathias de Bièvre (Co-Founder/President, Prometheus-X) and Kurt Ryckaert (Business Unit Lead HR, Athumi)
  • 12:50-1:00PM – Closing remarks by Ralf Hustadt (National Hub Coordinator Gaia-X, Luxinnovation)

Register here


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What SMEs should know about EU digital legislations

What SMEs should know about EU digital legislations

Olga Batura, Senior scientist at TNO, shares some insights about the Digital Markets Act (DMA), the Digital Services Act (DSA), the Data Act, the Cyber Resilience Act, and the AI Act (which she also shared during our Community Meeting of June).