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Data sharing in the cloud in compliance with European standards

Data sharing in the cloud in compliance with European standards

New European technical standards for data sharing are being created. How can you get started with this in your company? You’ll discover this and more in the webinar ‘Data Sharing in the cloud in compliance with European standards’ on the 25th of April. Amongst others, the following questions will be answered:

  • What are European developments in terms of data sharing and cloud?
  • Which standards play an important role?
  • How can you as a company or data sharing initiative respond to this?
  • Which open source components are available to get started?
  • How can you get support?


Visit the website (NL) to learn more and register.


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What SMEs should know about EU digital legislations

What SMEs should know about EU digital legislations

Olga Batura, Senior scientist at TNO, shares some insights about the Digital Markets Act (DMA), the Digital Services Act (DSA), the Data Act, the Cyber Resilience Act, and the AI Act (which she also shared during our Community Meeting of June).