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CoE-DSC Community Meeting of October

CoE-DSC Community Meeting

The opportunity for the Netherlands to develop the ‘first’ European interoperability standard

To concretise European legislation, European standards are being developed and implemented. This is already happening for the Radio Equipment Directive (RED) and the AI Act. Standards will also be developed for the Data Act, these standards will be referred to in the regulatory text. This is relevant to our community, because the Data Act is about data sharing and interoperability. How do we as the Netherlands seize the opportunities to influence these European standards? In our Community Meeting on Thursday, October 26th, we would like to discuss this with you.

Inge Piek, team lead ICT standardisation at NEN, will talk about the standards in the upcoming Data Act and the opportunities for Dutch organisations. The Data Act sets interoperability requirements for data spaces and for data processing services. The Act also focuses on the development of standards. This creates an opportunity for Dutch organisations, because we can help determine what will be included in these European standards; in doing so, we will be contributing to the ‘first’ European interoperability standard. NEN supports this process.

Do you want to know more about the importance of standards in relation to the Data Act and how you can contribute to this? Join our online Community Meeting on October 26th. No registration is needed, simply add this event to your calender and click on the URL below on the 26th. Please note: this Community Meeting is in Dutch.

Join us via this URL
Meeting ID: 323 022 163 895
Passcode: cTdnGF


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What SMEs should know about EU digital legislations

What SMEs should know about EU digital legislations

Olga Batura, Senior scientist at TNO, shares some insights about the Digital Markets Act (DMA), the Digital Services Act (DSA), the Data Act, the Cyber Resilience Act, and the AI Act (which she also shared during our Community Meeting of June).