Data Sharing Coalition releases the Data Sharing Canvas: harmonised agreements for data sharing at scale

Data Sharing Coalition releases the Data Sharing Canvas: harmonised agreements for data sharing at scale

This content was created by the Data Sharing Coalition, one of the founding partners of the CoE-DSC.

Today, the Data Sharing Coalition achieved an important milestone in their journey towards unlocking the true value of data with the release of the Data Sharing Canvas. When data is shared widely across domains, this can result in an additional GDP growth of up to 1%, value that can only be realised if organisations can share data under their control. The Data Sharing Canvas serves as a steppingstone to facilitate trust and technical interoperability for cross-domain data sharing at scale. The Data Sharing Canvas is created together with the 40+ Data Sharing Coalition participants from different domains that represent over 100.000 organisations.

Data Sharing Canvas: a fundament for agreements on data sharing at scale

The Data Sharing Canvas shows that cross-domain data sharing at scale can be achieved via harmonised agreements. It describes what agreements on topics such as security, metadata and identification, authentication and authorisation are needed to facilitate mutual trust and interoperability across domains. The Data Sharing Canvas contains contributions made by experts from organisations participating in the Data Sharing Coalition. In addition to the contributions made by experts, learnings from cross-sectoral data sharing use cases and analysis of existing data sharing initiatives provide the essential insights that are documented in the Data Sharing Canvas. The Data Sharing Canvas serves as a stepping-stone towards the development of the anticipated Trust Framework with harmonised agreements for cross-domain data sharing.

Download the Data Sharing Canvas

Next steps: substantiating the Data Sharing Canvas with use case insights

Moving forward, the Data Sharing Canvas will be further substantiated by analysing practical data sharing use cases. The Data Sharing Coalition is currently involved in five different data sharing use cases. In these use cases, organisations from different domains collaboratively define and realise a use case that creates new value from cross-domain data sharing. For example, consider sharing energy data with mortgage providers to provide financing for energy saving measures, sharing logistics data with insurers for improved insurance products or sharing sensor data to enable ‘demand-based’ cleaning services. The use cases will further enrich the insights from the Data Sharing Canvas in what is required to achieve interoperability between different data sharing initiatives.

The Data Sharing Coalition: unlocking the true value of data

The true value of data can only be realised if it is shared and re-used throughout the digital economy. In total, this new value creation can result in an additional GDP growth of up to 1% for the Netherlands and similar growth for other EU member states. The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and the European Commission recognise this, as made clear in the Ministry’s vision on Data Sharing, the Dutch Digitalisation Strategy and the European Data Strategy. The Data Sharing Coalition aims to unlock this value by creating agreements that facilitate trust and technical interoperability for organisations to share data across domains under their explicit control.

The Data Sharing Coalition is very proud to present the Data Sharing Canvas.

Download the Data Sharing Canvas

Do you want to know more about The Data Sharing Canvas? Please send us an email: [email protected]


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