The CoE-DSC developed Data Sharing Bootcamp for SMEs to spark new ecosystems

CoE-DSC developed Data Sharing Bootcamp for SMEs to spark new ecosystems


The CoE-DSC was invited on behalf of European Digital Innovation Hub Noord-West (EDIH) to support local SMEs from different domains (a.o., health, manufacturing) with kickstarting their data sharing initiative. The aim of the bootcamp was to inform participants about forthcoming EU regulations to break down data silos and discuss value potential that data sharing can bring to them and their ecosystem stakeholders. In addition, the bootcamp helped them to configurate their use cases based on tools available.


Bootcamp material

Through the link below, we make the materials available to our wider data sharing community. Please note that the materials only cover topics that we’ve presented and discussed. Configurating use cases requires interactive training.

Download the workshop materials


Next steps

If you are curious to learn more about these data sharing workshops, or you have a use case you’d like to share, please contact us at



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